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情人节表白贴 改编一首非常喜欢的英文诗 (有图肾入)
送交者: 雕叼貂屌掉鲷钓[★乡下土孩纸★] 于 2019-02-16 5:38 已读 9304 次 7 赞  



In Time, Body, Life, Soul Die cool18.com

In time, body, life, soul die cool18.com

To embrace endless echoing abyss. cool18.com

Demonic shadows conquer the life's disguise, cool18.com

And lure Radiance into his lie. cool18.com

My faith dismantle the soul's guidance cool18.com

To devour with sorrow-embedded gorgeous eye. cool18.com

In time the thorn-bird impales the dart, cool18.com

And bowed Cupid continues  cool18.com

Whispering to Jeanne's decadent heart. cool18.com

In time the falcon drops the tears. cool18.com

Step into my shadow, be loved ones, and stare cool18.com

From where you were never spared. cool18.com

原诗是英国诗人Siegfried Sassoon的In Me, Past, Present, Future Meet,有兴趣的小伙伴可以了解一下

贴主:雕叼貂屌掉鲷钓于2019_02_16 22:29:32编辑

贴主:雕叼貂屌掉鲷钓于2019_02_16 22:29:55编辑

贴主:雕叼貂屌掉鲷钓于2019_02_16 22:31:16编辑

贴主:雕叼貂屌掉鲷钓于2019_02_19 3:41:29编辑

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