由 phym 于 2020-09-07 19:35
女老师经常带女学生们野外写生。 有一天她们山上采蘑菇, 突然有女孩子发现了一个躺在草丛里的裸男,身上盖着树叶?,所以女孩没有察觉,但他的丁丁早就竖起来了。 cool18.comgirl ?: teacher, come over please, I just find a very strange mushroom ?, I have never seen anything like that before ?. cool18.comTeacher: “let me see...omg!”, & she is starting breathing hard, “stay away, my baby, this is a very poisonous mushroom ?, let me handle it. “ cool18.comThe girl: what do I do? cool18.comTeacher: “just watch this time, next time u would know how 2 handle it yourself “?. cool18.com& she sits her butt right on top of that guy, breathing hard, “ I am crushing it now “... cool18.com还没等她说完,我己经开始亲女同传的嘴了,她顺势躺在了地板上,拉下裙子和内裤, 张开两个白腿...