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通奸。莱蒙托夫诗歌的反思分析。 *** 在圣寺门口站
送交者: Assets1[☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2023-12-25 15:08 已读 12275 次 2 赞  


The poor beggar 
had withered, almost lifeless 
from hunger, thirst and pain.  cool18.com

All he wanted was a piece of bread, and his eyes betrayed living torment, and a stone was dropped into his outstretched hand. cool18.com

So I pray for your love with bitter tears, with longing; so my best feeling has been deceived by you all my life! cool18.com

In 1830 the poet Mikhail Lermontov often turned to the spiritual aspects of life in his works. He was known to be a rather religious man, although he was skeptical of religion, believing that it was religion that brought people to their knees, forcing them to endure humiliation and pain rather than defend their own interests. cool18.com

What is certain, however, is that during the short official holidays Lermontov made frequent pilgrimages to various monasteries, trying to learn the humility that was deprived of him by nature. In the summer of 1830, Lermontov wrote the poem "The Beggar" after visiting the Holy Trinity Sergius Monastery with friends (among them the poet's beloved Ekaterina Sushkova). cool18.com

One version claimed that this was based on real facts, although Ekaterina Sushkova later repeatedly denied this information. Regardless, it is her actions that serve as the reason for the creation of this work, which is astounding in its depth and cruelty in the world around it. The poem tells of the poet's encounter with a beggar who was in real need of alms on a porch near the Holy Mosque. "The poor man, withered by hunger, thirst, and pain, almost lifeless," tried to get some money or food, but someone placed a stone on his outstretched palm. Witnesses of this scene claimed that it was the work of Ekaterina Sushkova, who decided to play a joke on a blind, old, sick and disabled person. And it was her move that seemed to wake the poet up, and he suddenly looked at his lover in a completely different light. Lermontov suddenly realized that, too, this woman was playing tricks on his feelings, giving false hopes and promises, which she quickly forgot about. It was clear to the poet's inner circle that Lermontov was in love with a coquettish woman, but she did not take her long-time admirer seriously. However, no one was eager to deprive the poet, who was tormented by jealousy and passion, of his fantasies, for his friends were very familiar with Lermontov's bad-tempered character. As a result, for almost five years the author of the poem "The Beggar" was convinced that sooner or later Ekaterina Sushkova would marry him, but this was not destined to happen. The breakdown of the relationship may have been influenced by a seemingly innocuous incident at the Holy Trinity Monastery of Sergei, but this event left an indelible impression on the poet. Lermontov not only admitted that "my best feelings were forever deceived by you," but also repressed his painful love for that unworthy man. cool18.com

When the poem "The Beggar" was published, no one in the poet's circle doubted to whom it was addressed. However, this love story unexpectedly continued. Lermontov is essentially a rather vengeful man; he does not know how to forgive insults and insults, even to those he truly loves. After the ridiculous and shameless behavior of Ekaterina Sushkova, as well as rethinking his attitude towards her, the poet decided to immediately take revenge on his chosen person for everything. cool18.com

Lermontov and Sushkova had not met for several years, and during the next meeting in 1835, the poet tried not to reveal his true feelings for his former lover. In addition, the author showed unusual for him attentiveness and openly admired Sushkova's beauty. As a result, she truly fell in love with the poet, and then Lermontov dealt a devastating blow to the ego of the poet who had once fascinated him, publicly declaring Sushkova stupid, unattractive, and incapable of arousing anything else feelings outside. Pity. cool18.com

Five of Pentacles Meaning: Material difficulties. Homeless. poor. A lost soul. This card is homeless and lacks spirituality.

贴主:Assets1于2024_05_15 11:50:23编辑

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