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亚当和夏娃:一丝诱惑🍎。系列 - 爱情纪念碑的秘密。
送交者: Assets1[☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2024-01-13 10:45 已读 23499 次 2 赞  


Tourists have their own rituals to attract good luck, and many of us are willing to travel for them. Even if it is hidden, everyone wants to touch a small miracle deep in their soul. One day, when we find ourselves in a "magic place," we realize that we have attracted good luck to ourselves. 

In my last blog I described the history of the Little Mermaid Monument in Denmark. What about New York? All About Adam and Eve, located on the first floor of the Columbus Circle store. They are so amazing and attractive! You can't resist and want to touch them! New Yorkers do the same thing, maybe even more than tourists do: they just stand and watch for a while.

This 12-foot-tall sculpture of Adam and Eve is the work of Colombian artist Fernando Botero, who is world-famous for his full-figure portraits. I had the opportunity to meet the artist at a solo exhibition in New York. He was very kind and humble and gave me his autograph.
When they build and decorate these amazing restaurants, shops and entertainment venues, they may not realize that they are also creating a tourist attraction. But they did it!

Just ask some of the 17 million people who visit the Columbus Circle store each year. Many people seem to be slapped, touched, grabbed or rubbed as they walk past the giant nude statue in the hall.

The couple's private parts have been worn down from bronze to gold, proving that this trendy spot has more high-end items than shops and boutiques. If this isn't public art, what is?

The New York Times is right when they say that people touch them “because it’s fun.” Because it's the right mix of naughty and not-so-naughty.

After all, art is meant to be experienced and evoke emotions. Hey, why don't we do this - rub Adam and Eve's private parts with our own hands at the Columbus Circle store? Just apply sanitizer on your palm, touch it and make a wish and luck will smile on you!

*** Take a look below at the photos I took. Love you and good luck! 🫶🏻ASSETS 1🫶🏻

posted by: Assets1 edited on 2024_05_15 11:04:57
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