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双飞 和 1.5 飞
送交者: simonqing[护军☆] 于 2015-01-18 12:58 已读 8555 次 2 赞  


本人是大叔级别的, 看本坛对双飞话题有点兴趣。  毕竟, 只有皇帝, 才有可能做到真正的双飞。  但普通人, 有条件的话, 比较容易做到1.5 飞。    1.5 飞定义为插一个摸另外一个。   花钱叫小姐不算。  所以其中三人关系如何摆平是关键。   由于中文打得太慢, 以下用英文。

I am a married man living in Canada doing some business in China and frequently fly to China.  Couple years ago, got a girlfriend who was with me when she was 19.   It costs money to maintain a girlfriend, but after a while,  real affection developed and I regard that as any real boyfriend / girlfriend relationship.    By the time she was 21, her sister (18 at the time) came to the big city with her.   I tried everything  to get both of them in bed with me at the same time but the best I could was 1.5 fei.      

Here is how I did it.    When the sister came, she needed some small money for education and so I said to my girlfriend that how about I pay her for the education and I will make love to her sometimes.   She says absolutely no and asks her sister to move out.      Then, I said how about I just  touch your sister.  She says OK after talking with her sister.    Then,  I privately said to her sister that my girlfriend and I had real feeling towards each other and I did not want to touch the sister behind the girlfriend because that was cheating.  How about I touch the sister in the same bed whiling making love to my GF.   The sister went to ask my GF and my GF initially got very upset and yell at me.   But after while, she agreed.

In bed, I could fuck my GF and touch her sister.  But when I tried to miss her sister’s private place, she refused.   After a while, I regret the 1.5 fei arrangement because if I was with the sister in a different room, I could have touched and missed, and may even got a chance to fuck.   May be in the future, I may have a chance to fuck the sister.  When I do, I will write about it again here.   I tried to photo the 1.5 fei but got refused.    I will only post the girlfriend here and only say that the sister did not have a beautiful face and got slightly fat body, but the private part of her was really good to touch and really turned me on.

I shared the story to say that 2-fei is just a dream but 1.5 fei is possible, but even that require a lot of planning and strategy.  

  Sorry.   could not figure out how to get the photo posted.  Next time.


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