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A single mother, that's a sacred thing, man.
送交者: tcblizzard[大侠] 于 2015-04-02 10:23 已读 820 次  


回答: 微信认识个鬼妹熟女 34岁有孩子离异 由 雷雨 于 2015-04-02 8:51

Jerry: What do you know about dating a single mother?
    Rod: Oh I know plenty. I was raised by a single mother.
    Jerry: Tell me, because it's been a month, and she's about to take another job in San Diego.
    Rod: First, single mothers don't "date." They have been to the circus, you know what I'm saying? They have been to the puppet show and they have seen the strings. You love her?
    Jerry: How do I know?
    Rod: You know when you know. It makes you shiver, it eats at your insides. You know?
    Jerry: No, I don't know.
    Rod: Then you gotta have The Talk.
    Jerry: But I sure don't like that she's leaving.
    Rod: Well, that ain't fair to her. A single mother, that's a sacred thing, man.
    Jerry: The kid is amazing.
    Rod: No. A real man does not shoplift the pootie from a single mom.
    Jerry: I didn't "shoplift the pootie." We were thrown together and -- I mean it's two mutual people who -- Alright, I shoplifted the pootie.
    Rod: Shame on you. Shame on you.

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