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送交者: 裆儿爷[游侠] 于 2015-09-15 13:42 已读 13556 次 1 赞  


Monday morning, I got to her place by 10:20, and we were chatting on the couch like before. 

She kept a little distance from me though, but did let me massage her legs a bit, still sore from badminton.

She put on some random TV show, which brought back memories… It wasn’t that interesting to watch, so after rubbing her legsI decided to make a move and see what happens… 

Next thing I know, I opened her bra and we were all over each other. More precisely, I was all over her and she let me. Her breasts are smaller than I remembered but a good size and her nipple are more beautiful than what I recall… 

She curled up in my arms and asked me to carry her to the bedroom, which I happily complied. 

She’s lighter that I remembered, and seems softer too. I don’t mean fat, rather it was almost as it she melted in my armsand her womanhood was radiating so vibrantly it was a total turn on. 

She closed the door behind me as we made our way into the room and I gently laid her down on the bed, still fully dressed 
but not for much longer. 

As I took off her top, I noticed for the first time how beautiful her body is. I wonder how I missed that last time, maybe I was still too hung over with IL… When I finally took off all her clothes, I was in heaven… 

Her body is the best of all the women I’ve been with, perfectly proportioned, long slender legs, curves at the hip, round and toned ass, shaved, and a little bit of cute belly fat that’s perfect to the touch, not so hard, not too squishy. 

I didn’t expect to come this far and didn’t bring any protection, but she let me have my way since she just finished her period. 

She let me finger her a little but wouldn’t let me go down on her though, I really wanted to enjoy that perfect body of 
hers a little more. 

She worked on my shirt buttons with haste, something I always dreamed of but rarely happened. She’s very tight, a little 
painful when I first put it in, but that only turned me on more. 

Unfortunately its been 2 months since I last had any and only lasted maybe 30 seconds… I withdrew and came and came, 
don’t remember the last time I came so much. I guess it’s better than the 5 seconds with both Ivy, but still rather 

Fortunately, that perfect body turned me on again in no time and I found myself behind her, spooning her with my wood 
poking, a position I really enjoy, one I feel very secure but also able to play with her.

She went to work, playfully controlling the pace, until we got into doggie style and I took her all the way before 
collapsing in my arms. 

She has a cute butterfly tattoo on her left hip, but that was the last of my concerns. Though I was still hard, she was 
tired from her orgasm and I didn’t want to push it without protection. 

We rested a bit before getting dressed for lunch, and I continue to stare and admire her body… 

When we did finally get up, I noticed that my legs were jelloey, almost like my first time…

版主:九紋妹于2015_09_15 13:53:00编辑

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