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送交者: 西班牙火腿[♂★★★仁党党鞭★★★♂] 于 2021-10-03 17:16 已读 286 次  


回答: 对我来说:一半也太多 由 老孙子 于 2021-10-03 15:20

the top three countries with the smallest average penis length. cool18.com

So, err, coming in to bronze medal in this category is Taiwan in Asia with an average length of 4.24 inches. cool18.com

Taking the silver medal is Burma, with an average length of 4.21 inches. cool18.com

Taking the perhaps more dubious top spot - although it is of course all about how you use it - is Cambodia with an average male penis length of 3.95 inches. cool18.com

The UK incidentally has an average erect penis length of 5.17 inches - for those of you still measuring.

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