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时光荏苒,Taylor Swift 到了写illicit affairs的年龄了
送交者: Enchanted[♀☆品衔R4☆♀] 于 2022-10-03 18:44 已读 8016 次 2 赞  


她再也不是那个弱不经风我见犹怜的16岁少女,暗恋一个男孩却只能夜里轻抚琴弦,诉尽心中思念 teardrops on my guitar  cool18.com



I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night cool18.com

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar cool18.com

The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star cool18.com

心中暗暗羡慕嫉妒那个被他爱着宠着的美丽幸运儿,而她只能暗自神伤,接受自己的平凡 cool18.com

I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about cool18.com

And she's got everything that I have to live without cool18.com

时光荏苒,再也不是天真年幼的少女了,转瞬16年过去了,她已经长大成熟,经历女人会经历的一切,包括偷尝禁果,幽会一个她不该幽会的人,迷失在禁忌之爱的漩涡,那个16岁的innocent girl早就从人世间消失不见了,她最新的恋情是Illicit Affairs cool18.com



Illicit Affairs lyrics cool18.com

Make sure nobody sees you leave cool18.com

Hood over your head, keep your eyes down cool18.com

Tell your friends you're out for a run cool18.com

You'll be flushed when you return cool18.com

Take the road less traveled by cool18.com

Tell yourself you can always stop cool18.com

What started in beautiful rooms cool18.com

Ends with meetings in parking lots cool18.com

And that's the thing about illicit affairs cool18.com

And clandestine meetings and longing stares cool18.com

It's born from just one single glance cool18.com

But it dies, and it dies, and it dies cool18.com

A million little times cool18.com

Leave the perfume on the shelf cool18.com

That you picked out just for him cool18.com

So you leave no trace behind cool18.com

Like you don't even exist cool18.com

Take the words for what they are cool18.com

A dwindling, mercurial high cool18.com

A drug that only worked cool18.com

The first few hundred times cool18.com

And that's the thing about illicit affairs cool18.com

And clandestine meetings and stolen stares cool18.com

They show their truth one single time cool18.com

But they lie, and they lie, and they lie cool18.com

A million little times cool18.com

And you wanna scream cool18.com

Don't call me "kid" cool18.com

Don't call me "baby" cool18.com

Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me cool18.com

You showed me colors cool18.com

You know I can't see with anyone else cool18.com

Don't call me "kid" cool18.com

Don't call me "baby" cool18.com

Look at this idiotic fool that you made me cool18.com

You taught me a secret language cool18.com

I can't speak with anyone else cool18.com

And you know damn well cool18.com

For you, I would ruin myself cool18.com

A million little times cool18.com

Source: Musixmatch cool18.com

两首歌都提到了车 cool18.com

从前的她喜欢在开车的时候想着他 cool18.com

He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do cool18.com

现在的她,喜欢和他在停车场开车 cool18.com

What started in beautiful rooms cool18.com

Ends with meetings in parking lots cool18.com

时间改变了多少情感啊 cool18.com

作为以生命写作的音乐人她是真实的,她的歌词写到了每个人心坎里,每个人都可以共鸣,仿佛看到了真实的赤裸的自己 cool18.com

向唱尽了世间痴男怨女的情感故事,创作精力永远旺盛,灵感永不枯竭的Songwriter-Artist of the Decade的Taylor Swift致敬,Look at this gorgeous women that time made her cool18.com

友情提醒,Taylor Swift的第十张studio album - Midnights 即将在今年10月21日发行,期待她又会带来怎样的惊喜 cool18.com

关于这张新专辑的创作 As Swift wrote in her official album announcement, Midnights will be made up of “the stories of 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout my life.” "This is a collection of music written in the middle of the night, a journey through terrors and sweet dreams.
贴主:Enchanted于2022_10_03 18:45:25编辑
贴主:Enchanted于2022_10_03 18:48:07编辑
贴主:Enchanted于2022_10_03 18:49:26编辑

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