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“中国美女间谍” -- 方芳
送交者: 民主不仅仅是价值观[★★★民主好啊!★★★] 于 2024-03-13 21:20 已读 18219 次 3 赞  


被老胡拿来骗流量的她,是真美女假间谍。。。 cool18.com

啥也不说了,上图 cool18.com



在小民看来,美女是真的,间谍是fake的。 cool18.com

老胡为了流量,约了梦碎美利坚的这位美女餐叙。 cool18.com

几年前,美国媒体大肆报道,暗示暗示再暗示, 她牺牲色相。非常无聊,无非也是为了流量?! cool18.com

美国媒体的大肆报道,给FBI开启大规模的China Initiative狂热猎巫行动, 起到了檄文的作用。 cool18.com

从臭名昭著而寿终正寝的China Initiative来看, 其所谓的案例,基本上全是乌龙,净拿一些没有交税的穷教授开涮。 LOL 为啥这样判断? cool18.com

FBI真有她的一丝一毫的间谍证据, 还不屁颠屁颠地牺牲她祭旗,给China Initiative续命! cool18.com

不过这位大概率假的间谍,确实货真价实的美女: cool18.com

为了防止她二次牺牲,线下隐藏。 May be an image of 1 person and smiling No photo description available. No photo description available. Suspected Chinese spy slept with, courted US politicians: report She came out of nowhere. Then she was gone: The local angle on Swalwell's  ties to an alleged Chinese spy She came out of nowhere. Then she was gone: The local angle on Swalwell's  ties to an alleged Chinese spy She came out of nowhere. Then she was gone: The local angle on Swalwell's  ties to an alleged Chinese spy She came out of nowhere. Then she was gone: The local angle on Swalwell's  ties to an alleged Chinese spy She came out of nowhere. Then she was gone: The local angle on Swalwell's  ties to an alleged Chinese spy

贴主:民主不仅仅是价值观于2024_03_14 14:58:36编辑

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